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来源: 赤峰和美嘉科技有限公司  点击:17次 发布时间:2016-9-20


   研究表明,水产饲料原料的组成与配比对饲料水中稳定性的影响较大。一些原料可提高饲料水中稳定性,它们在饲料配方中所占的比例大,产品的水中稳定性就好。据报道,常用原料的水中稳定性由强到弱依次为面粉、棉籽粕、小麦、鱼粉、菜籽粕、豆粕 、蚕蛹、熬皮、玉米黄粉、玉米、米糠。当然,同一种原料,由于不同品种来源和不同原料处理方式,其最终产品的耐水性也有所差异。

   淀粉在温度高、湿度大的条件下容易糊化,利于粘结,是影响水产饲料水中稳定性的重要原料之一。由于水产饲料蛋白质水平要求高(25 %-45 %),所以对淀粉类原料的用量有一定的限制。在生产中用适量的面粉代替传统的黄粉等原料,可收到良好的效果。由于粗纤维粘性差而影响颗粒的硬度和成形率 , 水产饲料 中粗纤维含量控制在3 %-5 %可提高饲料的耐水性。原料中的水分,不但影响粉碎的质量和产量,而且也制约着制粒的效果,一般压粒前的原料含水量控制在12 %-13 %。
   目前,市场上使用的粘合剂的种类有很多,但不同的粘合剂 , 使用效果有所差异。选择粘合剂时应注意:1)考虑养殖动物的食性及对饵料水中稳定性的要求。一般摄食缓慢的鱼虾需较高的水中稳定性,而摄食快速的鱼虾需较低的水中稳定性;2)考虑粘合剂的性质、适用量和成本;3)考虑粘合剂与饲料之间的互作效应,看其是否会破坏营养成分。








   冷却即降低制粒后的温度和湿度。冷却好的饲料硬度增加,能有效阻止水分的进人,同时水分降低可使颗粒饲料在水中稳定性增强。通常水产饲料刚排出冷却器的温度比室温高6-9 ℃,冷却后的水分为12 % -12.5 %。生产中应根据物料、颗粒的特点及冷却器的种类选择合适的冷却时间和空气量。

The English version

One, scientific formula and nutrition control

1. Reasonable choice materials

Studies have shown that the components of the aquatic feed raw materials and the ratio of the large effect on the stability of the feed water. Some raw material feed water stability can be improved, and the proportion of them in the feed formulation, the water stability of the product is good. According to the report, commonly used the water stability of the raw material from strong to weak, in order, cottonseed meal, wheat flour, soybean meal, fish meal, meal, silkworm chrysalis, boil, maize yellow powder, corn, rice bran. Source, of course, the same kind of raw material, due to the different varieties and different raw material handling, water resistance and the difference of the final product.

2. Suitable starch, crude fiber and water content

Starch under the condition of high temperature, high humidity, easy to paste, binder, is an important raw material of influence the stability of the aquatic feed water. Because of the aquatic feed protein level demand is high (25% 45%), so the dosage of starchy materials have certain restrictions. In the production with the right amount of raw materials such as flour instead of traditional yellow powder, can receive good effect. Due to the crude fiber viscosity difference influence the hardness of particles and forming rate, crude fiber content in aquatic feed control in 3% 5% of feed water resistance can be improved. Moisture in the raw material, not only affect the quality of the grinding and production, but also restricts the granulating effect, general pressure before the grain raw material moisture content control in the 12% to 13%.

3. The use of adhesives

Current, the kind of the adhesive used on the market has a lot of, but different adhesive, different use effect. Choosing adhesive should be paid attention to: 1) considering farmed animals feeding on the bait the water stability requirements. Generally slow feeding fish and shrimp to higher the water stability, and rapid feeding fish and shrimp to lower the water stability; 2) considering the properties of the adhesive, suitable quantity and cost; 3) considering the interaction effect between adhesive and feed, to see if it would destroy the nutrients.

Second, advanced processing technology and process

1. Grasp the granularity level

2. Good conditioning control

Feed mills use steam for more conditioning, namely steam directly to our factory makes a good material for water treatment. Therefore, good control of feed speed, choose good quality time, temperature, pressure and moisture is essential;

3. Hold good granulating

Currently the most widely used for the ring die pellet feed machine machine peace moulding machine. Feed mills should according to the different requirements of aquatic feed, raw material characteristics and processing technology of reasonable choose ring die, such as adjust the roll gap, cutter location, etc. Conditional feed enterprises repeated granulating process can also be used to improve the stability of feed water;

4. Good cooling control

After cooling the lower granulating temperature and humidity. Cooling good feed hardness increase, can effectively prevent moisture into people, at the same time water feed particles in the water will be reduced by stability enhancement. Usually just aquatic feed out of the cooler temperature is higher than room temperature 6-9 ℃, cooling water after 12% - 12.5%. Production should be according to the characteristics of the materials, grain and type of cooler cooling time and choose the appropriate amount of air.

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