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来源: 赤峰和美嘉科技有限公司  点击:18次 发布时间:2016-9-7

从 2001到2016,赛尔传媒服务工业品行业已经整整15年,15年专注品牌,终于迎来中国品牌崛起的时代。2016年9月5日,由赛尔传媒主办,维科生 物冠名的“中国梦·品牌梦”2016第二届畜牧优选品牌评选颁奖典礼在京隆重举行,500余名畜牧行业企业家莅临现场,17个用户优选大奖获奖企业隆重揭 晓,现场品牌闪耀、星光璀璨。本次颁奖盛典以“品质·安全·责任”为主题的品牌发展理念吸引了社会各界瞩目,CCTV7、赛尔畜牧网、《赛尔兽药与养 殖》、《赛尔饲料工业》、《赛尔养猪市场》、猪e网、搜猪网、中国饲料工业信息网、中国饲料行业信息网、畜牧大集网、中国种猪信息网、畜牧人、《新饲 料》、兽医导刊、博亚和讯、爱畜牧、中国养猪网、畜牧资讯网、中国畜牧业信息网、爱猪网等近20家机构全程参与报道。


  作 为赛尔传媒倾力打造的一场行业品牌盛会,“中国梦·品牌梦”已成功举办两届,它以评选出贴合用户需求以及紧跟时代潮流的优秀企业为出发点,致力于从创新、 环保、品质、科技、安全等方面评选出具有突出贡献的企业,并以这些企业为先导助推行业内部形成品牌向心力,加速业内完成资源整合。本次活动以用户优选为标 准,历时7个月,415个品牌参与角逐,38846566网络总投票,280000纸质问卷投放,最终汇聚为一场品牌盛宴。
   典礼伊始,由中国畜牧业协会常务副秘书长殷成文先生、哈尔滨维科生物技术开发公司董事长付朝阳先生以及赛尔传媒&万选通董事长杨云胜先生致开幕 辞。殷秘书长表示,2016年是中国畜牧行业品牌发展的关键年,无论从宏观环境还是市场环境来看,品牌发展都已经进入机遇期,在这一时期打造品牌应该有三 点思路,即科技品牌、创新品牌和中国特色品牌,而真正的中国特色品牌应该是在用户心中沉淀下来的品牌。付朝阳董事长也表示,时代发展的浪潮从来不会姑息弱 者,在今天这个品牌为王的时代,畜牧行业同仁唯有勇立潮头,才能迎来企业乃至行业发展的春天。杨云胜董事长,作为赛尔传媒&万选通创始人,B2B 服务资深专家,更是从企业营销的困境与思路出发,对“品牌”二字展开了深入解析。
   作为品牌评选的升华之作,杨董在颁奖前夕发表了《要么第一要么唯一,绽放品牌的力量》的精彩演讲,与现场众多优秀畜牧企业一同探寻品牌突破之道。杨董首 先从G20峰会中国角色的转变、到英国脱欧等近期事件分析全球经济环境,从新常态、互联网+、供给侧改革等新兴关键词解读国内消费环境,从环保法、食品安 全法的出台到国内对2000元单价无抗蛋的进口阐明社会消费基础的变化。其次,中产阶级消费观念也由最初的生存型消费转为如今的享受型消费,由原始对价格 的期待转向对价值的关注,据数据分析,未来5-10年,我国经济增长量将占到全球经济增长量的30%。以上种种迹象均表明我国市场潜在的巨大消费能力,因 此传统行业的弊病并非需求弱,而是企业自身的定位环节缺失。而与此同时,我国畜牧行业长期流行着一句谚语:“养猪的不吃猪肉、养鸡的不吃鸡肉、养鱼的不吃 鱼肉。”这种常态本身,也已经显现出很大的问题。


   因此,畜牧企业欲发展,势必要转型,在转型中,品牌的作用日益凸显,杨董以一个比喻指出品牌的力量:如果有一只杯子,就要不断向杯中注水,直到每添入一滴 就溢出同等质量的时候,品牌就有了力量,这便是品牌的溢出效应。本次品牌梦盛宴,既是对品牌的诠释,也是对于品牌力量的再次彰显。本次活动现场也得到了社 会各界的大力支持!中国畜牧业协会常务副秘书长殷成文先生,中国畜牧兽医学会养猪学分会名誉理事长、中国农业大学教授陈清明先生,全国畜牧总站、中国饲料 工业协会信息中心主任闫奎友先生,中国农业大学教授、中国农业工程学会畜牧工程分会理事长李保明先生,北京农学院动物科学技术学院动物医学系主任、教授任 晓明先生,中国农业国际合作促进动物福利国际合作委员会常务副会长温都苏,上海梵兰国际贸易有限公司董事长宋保强等多位国内畜牧领域专家,以及主办方赛尔 传媒&万选通董事长杨云胜先生、赛尔传媒总裁刘丹女士作为颁奖嘉宾,依次揭开今天的十七大品牌奖项以及两个特别奖项。
   审时度势,与势相生,一些企业在时代浪潮中树立品牌,荣获“十大‘互联网+’高效践行企业”“十大‘绿色环保’高效践行企业”奖项;从无到有,从有到 强,一些企业用突破的功力塑造品牌,荣获“十五强竞争力品牌”“十五强成长潜力品牌”“十五强创新品牌”“十大系统解决方案缔造企业”“十大科技智能畜牧 设备品牌”“十大技术突破兽用生物制品品牌”奖项;恪守根本,细致沉淀,一些企业在精益求精中沉淀品牌,荣获“十大研发创新兽药品牌”“十大优势基因种猪 品牌(南方)”“十大优势基因种猪品牌(北方)”“十大匠心饲料品牌”“十大教槽料品牌”“十大种猪料品牌”“二十大品质安全添加剂品牌”奖项。在以上企 业奖项逐一揭晓后,本届“中国梦·品牌梦”评选活动还颁发了“十大新锐人物”和“十大营销先锋人物”两个奖项。赛尔传媒深耕畜牧行业15年,为了感谢与赛 尔一路同行的合作伙伴,活动特颁发诚信合作伙伴奖,鼓励更多企业加入中国畜牧品牌阵营,值得一提的是,维科生物作为本届品牌评选活动冠名企业,赢得 2016品牌评选年度战略合作伙伴奖。
   璀璨品牌,光耀行业。对于中国畜牧行业来说,本次用户优选品牌评选活动不仅是一个品牌展示的平台,更是中国畜牧行业转型升级时期的品牌群像。从曾经的野 蛮生长、后来的无序竞争,再到今天的转型挑战,中国畜牧品牌的每一步都是时代变革的一个缩影,21世纪如果有什么值得作为中国企业发展的主题,那就是品牌 的崛起。

The English version

From 2001 to 2016, self media service industrial products industry has a full 15 years, 15 years focus on brand, finally the rise of Chinese brands come of age. On September 5, 2016, hosted by the university media, vico raw material named the "China dream, a brand" 2016 the second session of animal husbandry and preferred brand award ceremony was held in Beijing, more than 500 livestock industry entrepreneurs to the scene, 17 users select jie xiao grand prize winning enterprise, the brand is shining, bright stars. The award ceremony with "the quality, safety, responsibility" as the theme of the concept of brand development has attracted attention from all walks of life, CCTV7, cernet livestock network, self veterinary medicine and raise yield, "self feed industry", "self pig market, pig e net, search network, China feed industry information network, China feed industry information net, farming county net, China swine information network, animal husbandry, the new material feeding, veterinary Tribune, bo with dispatch, love animal husbandry, China pig network, animal husbandry and information network, China animal husbandry information net, net love pigs nearly 20 agencies reported a full part.

What to do in transformation period, the brand?

As self media create an industry brand event, "the Chinese dream, dream" brand has been successfully held twice, it to the selected nicely user demand and keep up with the trend of The Times of outstanding enterprises as a starting point, dedicated to innovation, environmental protection, quality, technology, safety selected enterprises with outstanding contribution, and to the guideline of these companies boost industry brand loyalty formation, accelerate the industry with resource integration. This activity for user selection standards, seven months, 415 brands to compete, 38846566 network always vote, 280000 paper questionnaire, finally gathered for a feast to the brand.

By the deputy secretary-general of China animal husbandry association: at the beginning of the ceremony, Mr YanChengWen, Harbin vico biotechnology development company chairman Mr Chao-yang fu and self media & all gate chairman Mr Yang Yunsheng opening speech. Yin secretary-general said that 2016 is the key to the development of animal husbandry industry brand in China, both from the macro environment and market environment, brand development has entered the opportunity, create brand should have three point during this period, namely science and technology, innovation, brand and brand with Chinese characteristics, and the real brand with Chinese characteristics should be on the user's settling down in the heart of the brand. Chao-yang fu chairman also said the tide of The Times will never tolerate the weak, in today's era of brand is king, only yong best, animal husbandry and industry colleagues to spring for enterprise and industry development. Yang Yunsheng chairman, as self media & gate founder, B2B service senior experts, but also from the predicament and ideas of the enterprise marketing, the "brand" word for further resolution.

As the sublimation of brand competition, Yang dong published on the eve of the "power of either the first or only, blossom brand's excellent speech, explore together with the numerous excellent animal husbandry the enterprise brand breakthrough. Dong Yang first To shift from the role of the G20 summit in China first, to the UK to take off the recent events, such as analysis of the global economic environment, the new norm, +, reform of the supply side and the emerging Internet keyword interpret domestic consumption environment, from environmental and food security method introduced to domestic 2000 yuan price no resistance to import to clarify the changes of social consumption of eggs. Second, the middle class consumption idea also from the original survival consumption to today's XiangShouXing consumption, from the original price for to focus on value, according to the data analysis, the next five to 10 years, the economic growth in China will account for 30% of the world's economic growth. Signs above shows that China's huge consumer market potential capacity, demand for the disadvantage of the traditional industries are not weak, but the enterprise itself to locate missing links. At the same time, China's animal husbandry industry long-term popular proverb: "pig don't eat pork, chicken not eat chicken, fish farming Fish." The norm itself, but also has showed great problem.

  Reshape brand vitality

Animal husbandry development to enterprise, therefore, is bound to transition, in the transformation, the role of the brand growing, Yang dong a metaphor to pointed out that the power of the brand: if there is a cup, keep to the glass with water, until every add a drop of overflow, same quality brands have the power, this is the spillover effect of the brand. The brand dream feast, is not only the interpretation of brand, also for brand strength again. The activity field also got the social from all walks of life the strong support! The deputy secretary-general of China animal husbandry association, Mr YanChengWen, honorary President of the pigs learn branch of China animal husbandry and veterinary institute, China agricultural university professor qing-ming Chen Sir, the national association of animal husbandry station, China feed industry information center director Mr 闫奎友, professor at China agricultural university, animal husbandry and engineering branch of China agricultural engineering institute director Mr Bao-ming li, Beijing agricultural college of animal science and technology, head of the department of animal medicine, professor ren xiaoming, Sir, Chinese agriculture animal welfare for the promotion of international cooperation in the international cooperation committee, executive vice President of temperature are Sue, brahman orchid international trade co., LTD., chairman of Shanghai Song Baojiang etc. A number of domestic animal husbandry industry experts, as well as the organizers of the self media & all gate chairman Mr Yang Yunsheng, self media President dina liu lady as presenters, opened today in turn seventeen big brand award and two special awards.

Situation, born with potential, some enterprise brand in The Times, won the "top ten Internet + efficient practice of enterprise" "top ten green environmental protection and efficient practice of enterprises" award; From scratch, from have to strong, some enterprises with breakthrough capability to shape the brand, won the "fifteen strong competitive brand" "15 strong growth potential brand" "15 strong innovative brand" "ten big system solution creates enterprise" "top ten science and technology intelligence animal husbandry equipment brand" breakthrough "ten veterinary biological products brand" award; Abide by the fundamental, meticulous precipitation, precipitation in some enterprises in improving brand, won the "top ten veterinary drug r&d innovation brand" "top ten brand advantage in genetic breeding (south)," "top ten brand advantage in genetic breeding (north)," "top ten originality feed brand" "top ten teaching groove material brand" "top ten breeding material brand" "twenty big quality security additive brand" awards. In the above companies award announced one by one, the "China dream, a brand" campaign was also awarded "top ten young people" and "top ten marketing pioneer" two awards. Self media's agriculture animal husbandry industry 15 years, in order to thank to all peer partners, active and honest partner award, encouraging more enterprises to join the Chinese animal husbandry brand camp, it is worth mentioning that vico biological as the brand campaign named enterprise, won the 2016 brand strategic partner of the year award.

Bright brand, guangyao industry. For China's animal husbandry industry, the user preferred brand campaign is not only a brand display platform, is the period of transformation and upgrading of China's animal husbandry industry brand group. From wild growth, disorderly competition, later to the transformation of the challenge today, every step of the Chinese animal husbandry brand is an epitome of the change of times, if there's anything worth in the 21st century as the theme of the development of Chinese enterprises, it is the rise of the brand.

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