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来源: 赤峰和美嘉科技有限公司  点击: 发布时间:2015-9-29



The English version

After beginning of autumn, the weather turn gradually cool, summer natural disinfection sterilization, direct sunlight fall more rampant pathogenic microorganisms. Combined with the day and night temperature difference is bigger, damp cause stress to the pig, in the autumn pig disease risk is very big, suggest that the broad masses of farmers in order to strengthen the management of pig farms, earnestly pig disease control and prevention.

The cause of epidemic disease

After autumn, because the temperatures continue to heat during the day and night temperatures plummet, day and night temperature difference is bigger, easy to cause stress to the pigs. Or had high temperature high fever, pig immune system damage under high temperature, the pig immune suppression, part of the pig is still in a virus detoxification period, difficult to restore health, easy to stay hidden. Some pig farms because disinfection work does not reach the designated position, improper care measures, can effectively kill pathogenic microorganism, cause pig didn't have enough resistance.

Because of mismanagement, or farmers do not understand pig water demand, water fountain is not clean, water pollution cause pig disease. Or ignore the effect of mycotoxins in feed, makes pigs fed mildew to change the food. Some homemade formula feed pig not according to climate change, timely adjust the feed formulation pig growth stage and the nutrition don't match led to the decrease of the immune system.

The main swine disease easily occurs

Swine fever, swine erysipelas, blue ear disease, pseudo rabies, foot and mouth disease, rotavirus, deputy pig blood, infectious gastroenteritis, piglet red dysentery, epidemic diarrhea, dysentery, huangbai is attached to the red cell body, toxoplasma gondii, chlamydia and mycoplasma, rheumatic fever, etc. Parasitic diseases mainly scabies mites, nematode, fluke.

The prevention and control measures

Bar should maintain appropriate temperature and humidity, ventilation, and provide adequate clean water. Improve the level of swine nutrition appropriately, maintain appropriate breeding density. Earnestly biosecurity measures, strict import pig breeds, introduction must have enough quarantine period, and blood sampling for mining evaluation rear can mix group of health. Pig should try to reduce the harm of mycotoxin, high-quality full material or raw material of choose and buy, the ingredients of a customer to mildew remover is added in the feed efficiency, take off the bad net. Should strengthen the pig disease-resistant ability, improve the immunity of live pigs, injectable astragalus polysaccharide injection, induced animal body produce interferon, regulate the body's immune function, stimulative antibody formation.

Based on scale pig farms, pig farms should blood solution, pigs health and scientific assessment to determine the vaccine immunization time, evaluate the immune effect, growth and decline of the antibodies, and determine whether pigs by wild poison, whether in the immune blank period. Completes the pigs drugs health work, such as pig respiratory disease severity, suggest that choose fluorobenzene nicol, magnitude, tai miao rhzomorph, telmisartan test for treatment; The epidemic situation of the digestive tract is serious, it is recommended that the use of amoxicillin, clindamycin treatment; Blood-borne diseases can choose Mr Neil, long-acting oxytetracycline, etc. Should be careful with blue ear disease vaccine, want to drink with anti-stress drugs during injection, such as sodium selenite, vitamin E, vitamin C, 3 days, in the middle of the day from seedlings. Selects the compas in column inner regularly to disinfect.

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